Donald Trump became known for his facial expressions while he was running for president. An internet artist recently posted pictures mocking his expressions. The artist depicted Trump as a two-year-old that had a temper tantrum when he could not get what he wanted.
Trump is known for spending a lot of time on Twitter lashing out on someone when they do not agree with him. He also dismisses anything that he does not want to hear as “fake news.”
The photos show Donald Trump in a bib eating baby food. It also shows him throwing a temper tantrum. The photos provide comedic relief from the distress that our nation is currently in. Many people think that Donald Trump is a nationalist, fascist and anti-environmentalist.
Eugene Robinson is a writer for “The Washington Post.” He stated that the photos are accurate. He said that Donald Trump is just like a two-year-old because he has a fit when he cannot have his way. “The Washington Post” also has an entire column dedicated to the photos. Many people have stated that the drawings are the funniest ones that he has ever seen of Donald Trump. No one knows who drew the pictures of President Trump.